International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Lateral Pressures of Concrete on Formwork

Author(s): Roy H. Olsen, Franklin Salek, and Charles F. Peck, Jr.

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 71

Issue: 7

Appears on pages(s): 358-361

Keywords: concrete construction; concretes; formwork (construction); lateral pressure; loading rate; loads (forces); placing; pressure; triaxial loads.

DOI: 10.14359/7090

Date: 7/1/1974

The cost of formwork is often the major factor in the total cost of cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The pressures exerted by the concrete on other than horizontal formwork have been determined in the past by empirical means. The advent of different cements, aggregates, and admixtures makes the use of the existing empirical expressions limited in applicability. A means of readily determining pressures on the formwork by means of laboratory tests is desirable. The triaxial test was used to determine the lateral pres-sures to be expected in formwork. The experiments were conducted using normal cement and aggregate, without admixtures. The results compared favorably with the empirical values currently being used. It is concluded that the triaxial test can be used to determine pressures which other concretes will exert.



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