International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Stress-Strain Response and Fracture of Concrete in Uniaxial and Biaxial Compression

Author(s): Tony C. Y. Liu, Arthur H. Nilson, and Floyd O. Slate Floyd 0. Slate,

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 69

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 291-295

Keywords: axial loads; biaxial loads; compressive strength; concretes; crack propagation; deformation; failure mechanisms; rnicrocracking; models; research; stress-strain relationships.

DOI: 10.14359/7148

Date: 5/1/1972

Thin square plates of an idealized model and of real concrete were studied and compared under uniaxial and biaxial short-term compressive stress. Formation and propagation of microcracks of the concrete model were observed directly during loading with x-ray photographs. Strength, deformational behavior, and fracture of concrete under uniaxial and biaxial compression were observed. Microcracking observations indicate that a main cause of the increase in both strength and stiffness in biaxial compression is the confinement of potential microcracking in the presence of biaxial compression. The modes of failure of concrete suggest that tensile deformation is vital in the failure mechanism of concrete. A general stress-strain relation for concrete in uniaxial and biaxial compression is proposed. In addition, a simple equation is proposed to predict the increase in strength of concrete when it is subjected to biaxial compression.



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