International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Recomended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal Weight Concrete (ACI 211.1-70)

Author(s): ACI Committee 211

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 67

Issue: 12

Appears on pages(s): 953

Keywords: absorption; aggregates; air entrainment; cement content; coarse aggre-gates; concrete durability; concretes; consistency; durability; fine aggregates; mix proportioning; slump tests; strength; volume; water-cement ratio.

DOI: 10.14359/7325

Date: 12/1/1970

Describes, with examples, two methods for selecting and adjusting proportions for normal weight concrete. One method is based on an estimated weight of the concrete per unit volume; the other is based on calculations of the absolute volume occupied by the concrete ingredients. The procedures take into consideration the requirements for placeability, consistency, strength, and durability. Example calculations are shown for both methods, including adjustments based on the characteristics of the first trial batch.



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