International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Flat Slabs Supported On Columns Elongated in Plan

Author(s): Sidney H. Simmonds

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 67

Issue: 12

Appears on pages(s): 967-976

Keywords: bending moments; concrete slabs; cracking (fracturing) ; deflections; elastic analysis;flat concrete plates; models; multistory buildings;rectangular columns;research;reinforced concrete;structural design.

DOI: 10.14359/7330

Date: 12/1/1970

Moments and deflections in an interior panel of a continuous flat plate structure supported on columns whose cross sections were elongated in one direction only were determined by elastic analysis. Results obtained b varying the amount of elongation are compared with the empirical method of ACI 318-63. A reinforced concrete flat plate test structure consisting of nine panels was tested. Column elongation in long direction was 0.4 of span. The test structure was satisfactory for deflections and cracking at design load. Behavior at ultimate load was essentially one-way action. Recommendations for computing deflections of slabs supported on columns with elongated cross sections are given.



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