International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Self Service parking Structures

Author(s): Richard C. Rich and William J. Rouke

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 56

Issue: 12

Appears on pages(s): 473-486

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/8107

Date: 12/1/1959

The basic functional requirements for self-service parking structures -clean traffic flow, protection against obsolescence, gradual slopes and turns, and smooth transitions between changes in slope-are met economically with re-inforced concrete. Cost comparisons are provided for several recently built parking structures. Application of these general requirements is illustrated in the 630-car facility completed in Edmonton, Alberta. One-way traffic flow throughout is facilitated by elongated twin helical ramps nested within one another. A circular express down ramp also makes use of nested helixes. Foundation construction, beam and column design problems, radiant heating in slab, and a structurally separate stair and elevator tower are among building elements highlighted for discussion. A transverse expansion joint dividing the 320 ft long building is described, and structural details incorporated to provide for future expansion to IOOO-car capacity are explained.



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