International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Tests Of The Resistance To Rain Penetration Of Walls Built Of Masonry And Concrete

Author(s): R. E. Copeland And C. C. Carlson

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 36

Issue: 11

Appears on pages(s): 169-192

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/8519

Date: 11/1/1939

Reported investigation of the problem of building rainproof masonry walls. Masonry wallettes, 32 in. wide, 48 in. high and 4, 8 and I2 in. thick were ex- posed to a simulated wind-driven rain and the rate of moisture penetration was determined. Construction types included cast-in-place concrete and unit mas- onry of brick, concrete block and tile and combina- tions thereof. Other factors such as quality of work- manship and mortar composition were studied. In- formation as to effectiveness of cement paints as a water-resistant coating on concrete masonry is given. The performance of the brick walls was influenced principally by quality of workmanship. Plasticity of lime in mortar was a significant factor, in the brick wall tests but mortar composition as regards ratio of cement to lime was unimportant. Results are summar- ized in 33 conclusions.



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