International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Stadium Steps Repaired With Zero Slump Mortar

Author(s): ACI

Publication: Concrete International

Volume: 2

Issue: 9

Appears on pages(s): 135-136

Keywords: cleaning; concrete finishes (hardened con-crete); maintenance; mortars (material); protective coatings; repairs; sealers; steps.


Date: 9/1/1980

The Michigan Stadium steps of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, have been repaired and maintained with an annual program of applying a masonry topping and sealer. An Ann Arbor contractor first removed all loose, deteriorating concrete with chip-ping guns, cleaned the surface with high-pressure water, applied a coat of inorganic penetrant, then a special mix mortar bond coat, and a final application of a zero-slump top coat of special mix mortar. Within 10 min of final troweling of the top coat, a curing com-pound was applied to the surface, followed at a later date with a final cleaning and application of an in-organic seal coat.



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