International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Bond Behavior Under Dynamic Loading

Author(s): C. Yan and S. Mindess

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 156


Appears on pages(s): 107-124

Keywords: bond (concrete to reinforcement); fiber reinforced concretes; finite element method; fracture properties; impact; loads (forces); Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/942

Date: 9/1/1995

The bond between reinforcing bars and concrete under impact loading was studied both experimentally and by the finite element method. The experiments consisted of pullout tests and push-in tests, under three different types of loading: static, medium rate, and impact. Different concrete strengths (normal and high), types of fibers (polypropylene and steel), and fiber contents were considered. The study focused on the bond-slip relationships and the fracture energy in bond failure. The experimental results were compared with those obtained by the finite element method, in which a special "bond-link element" that was able to transmit both shear and normal forces was adopted to model the connection between the reinforcing bar and the concrete. It was found that higher loading rates, higher concrete compressive strengths, and the addition of steel fibers had significant effects on the bond resistance, the fracture energy, and the bond stress-slip relationship, especially for the push-in case. Reasonably good correspondence in the results between the two methods was also found, and a bond-stress-slip relationship under high rate loading could be established analytically.



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