International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Prediction and Verification of Interface Debonding for Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Material

Author(s): S. H. Li, S. P. Shah, Z. Li, and T. Mura

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 156


Appears on pages(s): 125-152

Keywords: cracking (fracturing); fiber reinforced concretes; fluorescence; fracture properties; mathematical models; microscopy; tension; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/943

Date: 9/1/1995

A new method to predict the debonding behavior of fiber-matrix interface has been proposed by applying the principles of the micromechanics of inclusion and fracture mechanics. The validity of the mathematical model is further verified by uniaxial tension tests carried out on steel fiber reinforced cementitious composite specimens by employing a digitally controlled closed-loop MTS testing machine. It was demonstrated that the debonding occurs before the bend over point; the debonded lengths are largely influenced by the sequence of the occurrence of transverse matrix cracks and the loading stage. A stable growth of debonding was observed in the investigation. The measured debonded lengths were compared with the theoretical prediction of the proposed model. A reasonable agreement was observed.



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