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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Maturity-Based Estimates of Concrete Strength for Portland Concrete Cement Pavements and Patches at Early Age of Opening to Traffic

Author(s): Raymond Bassim and Mohsen Issa

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 117

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 197-208

Keywords: activation energy; compressive strength; datum temperature; early opening to traffic; flexural strength; maturity; portland concrete cement (PCC) pavement

DOI: 10.14359/51719081

Date: 1/1/2020

This paper investigates the accuracy of concrete strength estimation using the maturity method (ASTM C1074) for portland concrete cement (PCC) pavements and patches at the stage of early roadway opening to traffic (EOT). An experimental program and an analytical study were developed for this purpose. The experimental program entails four different concrete mixtures: one pavement (PV) and three patch (PP) concrete mixture cured under room (73°F [23°C]) and cold temperatures (45°F [7.2°C]). Concrete compressive strengths, flexural strengths, and temperature results were obtained from three-hundred sixty-nine 6 x 12 in. cylinders and two-hundred sixty-six 6 x 6 x 21 in. prisms, respectively, at ages varying from 12 hours to 28 days. Concrete strength and temperature data served as input for an analytical search method to obtain the least-error strength estimates. The analytical procedure details the sensitivity of ASTM C1074 to datum temperature (T0), activation energy (Ea), and specimen age. It was found that unifying strength-maturity measurements can provide a reliable strength indicator for EOT strength with concrete ages exceeding 1 day.