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Showing 1-5 of 7 Abstracts search results
May 1, 2013
S. Chen, Q. Pan, E. de Souza Sanchez Filho, M. de Souza Lima Velasco, J. J. Holtz Silva Filho, D. Vaca Diez-Busch, A. Windisch, C. Zhou, H. Jiang, B. Fu, X. Lu, and D. Wang
Structural Journal
Discussion 109-S39/From the July-August 2012 ACI Structural Journal, p. 457. Cyclic Crack and Inertial Loading System for Investigating Anchor Seismic Behavior. (Paper by Derrick A. Watkins, Tara C. Hutchinson, and Matthew S. Hoehler). Discussion by Shiming Chen and Qingxiang Pan. Discussion 109-S40/From the July-August ACI Structural Journal, p. 467. Investigation of Load-Transfer Mechanisms in Deep Beams and Corbels. (Paper by Zhi-Qi He, Zhao Liu, and Zhongguo John Ma). Discussion by Emil de Souza Sánchez Filho, Marta de Souza Lima Velasco, Júlio J. Holtz Silva Filho, and Dario Vaca Diez-Busch. Discussion 109-S40/From the July-August ACI Structural Journal, p. 467. Investigation of Load-Transfer Mechanisms in Deep Beams and Corbels. (Paper by Zhi-Qi He, Zhao Liu, and Zhongguo John Ma). Discussion by Andor Windisch. Discussion 109-S45/From the July-August ACI Structural Journal, p. 521. Reinforced Concrete T-Beams Externally Prestressed with Unbonded Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Tendons. (Paper by Anders Bennitz, Jacob W. Schmidt, Jonny Nilimaa, Björn Täljsten, Per Goltermann, and Dorthe Lund Ravn). Discussion by Shiming Chen and Cong Zhou. Discussion 109-S46/From the July-August ACI Structural Journal, p. 531. Energy Dissipation Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Columns under Cyclic Displacements. (Paper by Bora Acun and Haluk Sucuoglu). Discussion by Huanjun Jiang and Bo Fu. Discussion 109-S47/From the July-August ACI Structural Journal, p. 541. Energy-Based Hysteresis Model for Flexural Response of Reinforced Concrete Columns. (Paper by Haluk Sucuoglu and Bora Acun). Discussion by Xilin Lu and Dun Wang.
May 1, 2007
Evan C. Bentz, Shiming Chen, Robert E. Englekirk, Pedro R. Munoz, Himat T. Solanki, and Ivan M. Viest
Disc. 103-S56/From the July-Aug. 2006 ACI Structural Journal, p. 531. Punching of Reinforced and Post-Tensioned Concrete Slab-Column Connections. (Paper by Thomas H.-K. Kang and John W. Wallace). Discussion by Robert E. Englekirk. Disc. 103-S57/From the July-Aug. 2006 ACI Structural Journal, p. 541. Design for Shear Based on Loading Conditions. (Paper by Michael D. Brown, Oguzhan Bayrak, and James O. Jirsa). Discussion by Himat T. Solanki. Disc. 103-S57/From the July-Aug. 2006 ACI Structural Journal, p. 541. Design for Shear Based on Loading Conditions. (Paper by Michael D. Brown, Oguzhan Bayrak, and James O. Jirsa). Discussion by Ivan M. Viest. Disc. 103-S57/From the July-Aug. 2006 ACI Structural Journal, p. 541. Design for Shear Based on Loading Conditions. (Paper by Michael D. Brown, Oguzhan Bayrak, and James O. Jirsa). Discussion by Evan C. Bentz. Disc. 103-S58/From the July-Aug. 2006 ACI Structural Journal, p. 551. Steel Fiber Concrete Slabs on Ground: A Structural Matter. (Paper by Luca G. Sorelli, Alberto Meda, and Giovanni A.Plizzari). Discussion by Shiming Chen. Disc. 103-S61/From the July-Aug. 2006 ACI Structural Journal, p. 577. Strength of Struts in Deep Concrete Members Designed Using Strut-and-Tie Method. (Paper by Carlos G. Quintero-Febres, Gustavo Parra-Montesinos, and James K. Wight). Discussion by Pedro R. Munoz. Disc. 103-S64/From the July-Aug. 2006 ACI Structural Journal, p. 604. Experimental Investigations on Punching Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Footings. (Paper by Josef Hegger, Alaa G. Sherif, and Marcus Ricker). Discussion by Himat T. Solanki. Disc. 103-S65/From the July-Aug. 2006 ACI Structural Journal, p. 614. Simplified Modified Compression Field Theory for Calculating Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Elements. (Paper by Evan C. Bentz, Frank J. Vecchio, and Michael P. Collins). Discussion by Himat T. Solanki.
September 1, 1978
ACI Committee 531
Journal Proceedings
The commentary discusses some of the considerations of Committee 531 in developing the provisions contained in "Building Code Requirements for Concrete Masonry Structures." The code is intended to cover concrete masonry structures or portions of structures. References to the research data are provided.
August 1, 1978
This code covers the design of concrete masonry structures. It is written in such a form that it may be incorporated verbatim or by reference in a general building code. The quality and testing of materials used are covered by reference to the appropriate ASTM standard specifications. Among the subjects covered are: permits and drawings; determination of masonry strength; inspection; mixing and placing of motar and grout;laying of masonry units; control joints; wall bracing; embedded pipes and anchorage devices; reinforcement placement and anchorage; spacing, splicing, and development lengths for reinforcement; analysis and design; allowable stresses; deflection and shear; walls; columns; pilasters; composite construction; cavity walls; special provisions for unusual loadings.
November 1, 1975
This specification is a reference standard which the architect/engineer may cite in the project specifications, together with the supplemental requirements for the specific project. lt is written in terse, imperative language, and is divided in four sections for ease of reference: (a) Definitions and Notation, (b) Masonry, (c) Reinforcement and Accessories for Masonry, and (d) Grout for Masonry. The document covers the materials and methods for construction Of concrete masonry structures, including concrete masonry units, mortar, grout, and reinforcement. Methods of bonding, anchoring abutting construction, and the rules for both low-lift and high-lift grouting are spe-cified.
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