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Home > Publications > International Concrete Abstracts Portal
Showing 1-5 of 198 Abstracts search results
February 11, 2025
Kwanwoo Yi and Thomas H.-K. Kang
Structural Journal
This study examined how tendon configuration affects the temperature behavior of post-tensioned concrete structures during fire exposure using finite element analysis. The thermal behavior of various tendon configurations was modeled, showing good agreement with experimental data. Parametric studies found that unbonded single-strand tendon (S) and prestressing (pre-tensioned) strand (R) had lower thermal resistance compared to bonded post-tensioned tendon (B), unbonded post-tensioned tendon (U), and grouted extruded-strand tendon (G). The S and R specimens stayed at or below the critical temperature for one-way slabs, validating current safety codes. The B, U, and G specimens remained well below critical temperatures, indicating thinner concrete cover might suffice. These findings highlight the need to consider tendon configuration in structural fire resistance evaluation and incorporate heat resistance assessment to ensure the safety and efficiency of prestressed concrete structures during fires.
January 1, 2025
Anthony Addai Boateng, Garrett Tatum, and Natassia Brenkus
Materials Journal
Pourbacks and overlays are commonly used in bridge elements and repairs, as it is crucial to corrosion protection that the bond between grout and concrete in these regions is carefully constructed. The integrity of the bond is crucial to ensure a barrier against water, chloride ions, moisture, and contaminants; bond failure can compromise the durability of concrete structures’ long-term performance. This study examines the influence of surface preparation methods on the bond durability and chloride permeability between concrete substrate and grouts, including both non-shrink cementitious and epoxy grouts. A microstructural analysis of scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images was conducted to characterize the porosity of specimen interfaces. Pulloff testing was performed to quantify tensile strength. Results show that a water-blasted surface preparation technique improved the tensile bond strength for cementitious grout interfaces and reduced porosity at the interface. In contrast, epoxy grout interfaces were less affected by surface preparation. The study establishes a relationship between chloride ion permeability, porosity, and bond strength. The findings highlight the importance of surface preparation in ensuring the durability of concrete-grout interfaces.
September 1, 2024
Sangyoung Han, Jarrod Zaborac, Jongkwon Choi, Anca C. Ferche, and Oguzhan Bayrak
The results of an experimental program conducted to evaluate the performance of shear-critical post-tensioned I-girders with grouted and ungrouted ducts are presented. The experimental program involved the design, construction, and testing to failure of six fullscale specimens with different duct layouts (straight, parabolic, or hybrid) and using both grouted or ungrouted ducts. All tests resulted in similar failure modes, such as localized web crushing in the vicinity of the duct, regardless of the duct condition or layout. Furthermore, the normalized shear stresses at ultimate were similar for the grouted and ungrouted specimens. The current shear design provisions in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (AASHTO LRFD) were reviewed, and updated shear-strength reduction factors to account for the presence of the duct in the web and its condition (that is, grouted or ungrouted) were proposed. The data generated from these tests served as the foundation for updated shear-strength reduction factors proposed for implementation in AASHTO LRFD.
Jingshuang Zhang, Ruihan Qin, Fei Lv, Yonghua Shu, and Yanqing Wu
In this paper, uniaxial tensile testing of semi-grouted sleeve connectors was carried out by controlling the amount of expansive agent in the grout material. The effects of different steel bar diameters and anchorage depths on the failure mode, bearing capacity, and surface strain of sleeve connectors were studied. It is found that there are three failure modes in the specimens—namely, steel bar pullout failure, steel bar slip failure, and screw thread failure. The expansion characteristics of the grout material can partially compensate for the lack of compressive strength. Based on the analysis of the ultimate bearing capacity of different specimens, a design method to prevent the slip failure of the semi-grouted sleeve is proposed. The addition of 5 to 11% expansive admixture can reduce the circumferential strain of the casing from the steel bar anchorage location to the grouting end by 28.57 to 125.30%, with no impact on the longitudinal strain variation pattern. As the depth of steel bar anchorage increases, the expansive effect of the steel bar anchorage and casing longitudinal strain gradually surpasses the shrinkage effect, while the shrinkage effect at the grouting end of the casing gradually outweighs the expansive effect. With an increase in steel bar diameter, the longitudinal strain at the grouting end of the casing only decreases by 1.75% and 2.10%, essentially having no significant impact.
July 1, 2024
Qingzhi Liu, Catherine W. French, and Sri Sritharan
Unbonded post-tensioned rocking walls have demonstrated superiorseismic performance with greatly reduced damage and excellentself-centering behavior. Current design guidelines (ACI 550.7)and representative research on rocking walls are summarized inthis paper. Some inconsistencies and voids in the major designparameters for rocking walls are identified. A brief description isprovided for two rocking-wall specimens tested under quasi-staticcyclic loading. Force flow and failure mechanisms of rocking wallsobserved from the tests were studied, and it is discovered that theyare very different from those of special structural walls. The test datashowed that the concentration of compressive strain in concrete atthe corners of rocking walls was a local behavior such that theneed for confinement reinforcement higher above the toe regionwas diminished. Fiber grout weaker than concrete in rocking wallsused as ductile bearing materials at the wall-foundation interfaceis a reasonable alternative to ACI 550.7. Design recommendationsfor height and volumetric ratio of confinement reinforcementare provided. A requirement for the aspect ratio of rocking wallsstricter than that in ACI 550.7 is proposed to prevent shear slidingof the walls.
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