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March 1, 1995
ACI Committee 224
Structural Journal
This report reviews the state of the art in design, construction, and mainte-nance of joints in concrete structures subjected to a wide variety of use and environmental conditions. In some cases, the option of eliminating joints is considered. Aspects of various joint sealant materials and jointing techniques are discussed. The reader is referred to ACI 504R for a more comprehensive treatment of sealant materials, and to ACI 224R for a broad discussion of the causes and control of cracking in concrete construction. Chapters in the report focus on various types of structures and structural elements with unique characteristics: buildings, bridges slabs on grade, tunnel linings, canal linings, precast concrete pipe, liquid-retaining structures, walls, and mass concrete.
January 1, 1994
ACI Committee 301
Materials Journal
These specifications are a reference standard which the engineer or architect may make applicable to any building project by citing them in the project specifications. He supplements them as needed by designating or specifying individual project requirements. The document covers materials and proportioning of concrete; reinforcing and prestressing steels; production, placing, and curing of concrete; and formwork design and construction. Methods of treatment of joints and embedded items, repair of surface defects, and finishing of formed surfaces are specified. Separate chapters are devoted to slab construction and finishing, architectural concrete, massive concrete, and materials and methods for constructing post-tensioned concrete. Provisions governing testing, evaluation, and acceptance of concrete as well as for acceptance of the structure are included.
September 1, 1991
Separate chapters are devoted to specific types of concrete deterioration. Each chapter contains a discussion of the mechanisms involved and the recommended requirements for individual components of concrete; quality considerations for concrete mixtures; construction procedures; and influences of the exposure environment, all of which are important to assure concrete durability. Some guidance as to repair techniques is also provided.
January 1, 1989
These specifications are a reference standard that the engineer or architect may make applicable to any building project by citing them in the project specifications. He supplements them as needed by designing or specifying individual project requirements. The document covers materials and proportioning of concrete and reinforcing and prestressing steels; production, placing, and curing of concrete; and formwork design and construction. Methods of treatment of joints and embedded items, repair of surface defects, and finishing of formed surfaces are specified. Separate chapters are devoted to slab construction and finishing, architectural concrete, massive concrete, and materials and methods for constructing post-tensioned concrete. Provisions governing testing, evaluation, and acceptance of concrete, as well as acceptance of the structure, are included.
September 1, 1988
ACI Committee 347
Objectives of safety, quality, and economy are given priority in these guidelines for formwork. A section on contract documents explains the kind and amount of specification guidance the engineer/architect should provide for the contractor. The remainder of the report advises the contractor on the best ways to meet the specification requirements safely and economically. Separate chapters deal with design, construction, and materials for formwork. Considerations peculiar to architectural concrete are also outlined in a separate chapter. Other sections are devoted to formwork for bridges, shells, mass concrete, and underground work. The concluding chapter on formwork for special methods of construction includes slipforming, preplaced aggregate concrete, tremie concrete, precast, and prestressed concrete
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The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.
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