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Showing 1-5 of 6 Abstracts search results
September 1, 2017
Ruo-Yang Wu and Chris P. Pantelides
Structural Journal
Experimental results are presented regarding the seismic repair of reinforced concrete bridge columns using a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) shell and epoxy-anchored headed steel bars. The CFRP shell, consisting of unidirectional laminates in the hoop and vertical direction, encloses the headed bars and is filled with non-shrink concrete to relocate the column plastic hinge. Two columns designed to current standards—one in a cap beam-to-column connection and the other in a footing-to-column connection—were damaged under cyclic forces. Damage included longitudinal bar fracture and buckling across multiple spiral hoops; concrete damage in the plastic hinge region included cracking and spalling of the column core concrete. Finite element analysis was used to design the CFRP shell and the headed bars were designed for the increased flexural demand on the repaired section. The seismic repair was rapid, required minimal intervention, and successfully relocated the plastic hinge and restored strength and displacement capacity.
March 1, 1995
Claudio Borri, Andrea Chiarugi, and Paolo Foraboschi
This paper presents a structural analysis process and rehabilitation approach for damaged, pneumatically formed reinforced concrete (RC) shells. The process was applied to a seriously damaged, large-span, slender shell. Special nonlinear finite element modeling was used with doubly curved and multilayer elements. Security conditions of the reference shell, including buckling collapse and damage time evolution, were analyzed; the shell exhibited unsafe behavior. The rehabilitation approach is explained. Predictions of the model were compared with experimental in situ tests. Good agreement between the predicted and observed values was obtained.
January 1, 1979
J. G. A. Croll and K. 0. Kemp
Journal Proceedings
Following the recent collapse of a cooling tower shell in Great Britain, believed to have been primarily due to the combined effects of geometric imperfections and vertical cracks, the design implications of geometric imperfections in the meridional profiles of cooling towers are reassessed. It is suggested that present and proposed tolerance recommendations are not sufficiently linked to the specific nature of the shell and its reinforcement, and if followed could result in serious overstressing. On the basis of a simplified approach to the analysis of a geometrically imperfect shell, tentative, code oriented, and rational tolerance specifications are presented. While retaining simplicity these recommendations do allow the tolerances to be related to the specific conditions which apply at any position of the "as designed" tower, and enable the complete specification of meridional tolerances prior to the commencement of construction.
December 1, 1965
Hedley E. H. Roy
Presents the design concepts and a brief description of the construction of the new Toronto City Hall and Civic Square. The two office towers are vertical cylindrical shells stiffened by vertical piers and the horizontal diaphragms of the floor construction. Between the towers, the council chamber is a prestressed conical shell supported on a cylindrical shaft. The roof of the chamber is a circular dome with a prestressed perimeter ring beam. Because of the unusual shape of the tower structures, wind tunnel tests were performed on models; these are discussed.
July 1, 1965
Ryszard Dabrowski
A group of four circular silo bins enclosing one intermediate bin, the latter being acted on by the pressure of granular material, is analyzed on the basis of shell theory. The results are compared with those of a simplified analysis in which the system is considered as a plane frame.
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The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.