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Home > Publications > International Concrete Abstracts Portal
Showing 1-5 of 17 Abstracts search results
February 1, 2022
Concrete International
An automated people mover (APM) at Los Angeles International Airport will reduce traffic and provide quicker access to terminals and transportation stations. To accommodate the APM guideway construction over operational roads and around existing buildings, the project team applied a cast-in-place segmental bridge construction method using formwork travelers.
February 1, 2012
GFRP reinforcing bars tie rail plinths and pedestals to Miami Metrorail guideway girders
January 1, 1999
J. S. Guarre and K. Hjorteset
This paper presents the earthquake analyses and seismic design features of The Getty Center Tram Guideway aerial structure. The Getty Center site complex, its topography, and its geology are described. Seismic design criteria for this aerial structure are presented. Seismic analysis and the development of the site specific acceleration response spectrum used in guideway design are described. The design of the most typical column and foundation is presented. Methods used to account for soil/structure interaction between the geotechnical and structural engineer are shown.
July 1, 1994
Eldon Tipping and Mark Josten
Recent years have seen great strides in the construction industry's ability to evaluate and describe the quality of various conventional concrete floor surfaces. Occasionally, however, traditional approaches to evaluation of a surface are insufficient. Such was the case when the design team attempted to describe surface qualities necessary for successful operation of an air-supported people mover recently installed at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California.
October 1, 1993
Hid Grouni
ACI Committee 358 has recently revised and published "Analysis and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Guideway Structures," ACI 358.1R-92. New recommendations are introduced to bring the design criteria up to date and in line with current demands. Some of the design concepts that are unique to rapid transit systems are reviewed from the planning stages through design and construction.
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The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.