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Title: Bayesian Technique for Evaluation of Material Strengths in Existing Bridges

Author(s): F. M. Bartlett and R. G. Sexsmith

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 88

Issue: 2

Appears on pages(s): 164-169

Keywords: Bayes' theorem; bridges (structures); concrete cores; evaluation; statistical analysis; strength; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/1952

Date: 3/1/1991

The 1990 version of Clause 12, "Existing Bridge Evaluation," of CAN/CSA-S6 "Design of Highway Bridges" permits the evaluator to assess the material grade in an existing bridge using a simple Bayesian technique. Bayesian techniques are compatible with familiar decision--making strategies and are useful when decisions must be made on the basis of limited information. This paper presents background information for the evaluator who may be unfamiliar with Bayesian techniques. The basic workings are explained through a simple example. Sources of error in Bayesian techniques are flagged and discussed.