International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: 305R-99: Hot Weather Concreting


Publication: Technical Documents



Appears on pages(s): 20

Keywords: air entrainment; cooling; curing; evaporation; high temperature; hot weather construction; plastic shrinkage; production methods; retempering; slump tests; water content.


Date: 10/27/1999


Note: A newer version of this document exists. This document was replaced by 305R-10.

Concrete mixed, transported, and placed under conditions of high ambient temperature, low humidity, solar radiation, or wind, requires an understanding of the effects these environmental factors have on concrete properties and construction operations. Measures can be taken to eliminate or minimize undesirable effects of these environmental factors. Experience in hot weather with the types of construction involved will reduce the potential for serious problems. This committee report defines hot weather, lists possible potential problems, and presents practices intended to minimize them. Among these practices are such important measures as selecting materials and proportions, precooling ingredients, special batching, length of haul, consideration of concrete temperature as placed, facilities for handling concrete at the site, and during the early curing period, placing, and curing techniques, and appropriate testing and inspecting procedures in hot weather conditions. A selected bibliography is included. These revisions involve an editorial revision of the document. The revisions focus in particular on the effects of hot weather on concrete properties, and the use of midrange water-reducing admixtures and extended set-control admixtures in hot weather.



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