International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Behavior of Steel-to-Concrete Anchorages in High Moment Regions

Author(s): James D. Copley and Edwin G. Burdette

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 82

Issue: 2

Appears on pages(s): 180-187

Keywords: anchorage (structural); anchor bolts; concrete slabs; cracking (frac-turing); cyclic loads, moments; performance; pullout tests.

DOI: 10.14359/10326

Date: 3/1/1985

Tests were conducted to determine the relationship between curvature in a reinforced concrete slab and the behavior under cyfic loading of steel anchors embedded in the slab. Test results showed that the pullout deflection of the grouted bolts and self-drillers varied almost directly with slab curvature. The behavior of the wedge anchors was less well-defined because with each succeeding test performed on a set of wedge bolts the anchors siipped.further down the conical head of the bolt, producing increased resistance to pullout. Further re-search is needed to define better the relationship between anchor performance and level of applied moment.



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