International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design

Author(s): ACI Committee 443

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 73

Issue: 11

Appears on pages(s): 597-612

Keywords: anchorage (structural) : bridges (structures); composite construction (concrete and steel) ; compressive strength: continuity (structural) ; cover: cracking (fracturing); embedment: end blocks: girders: high-strength concretes: high-strength steels.

DOI: 10.14359/11100

Date: 11/1/1976

This document is the third in a series ,prepared by ACI Committee 443 as part of longer, more comprehensive recommendations for bridge design which may eventually become an ACI recommended practice. This report proposes recommendations for prestressed concrete bridges, emphasizing those aspects of design and analysis peculiar to prestressed concrete and not covered in the general strength and service load recommendations previously issued. Provisions herein are patterned primarily after those of ACI 3 18-71, Chapter 18, and the 1973 AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications, Division I, Section 6; however, significant differences from each of the foregoing are noted.



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