International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Abrasion Resistance of Concrete Block Pavers

Author(s): Nader Ghafoori and Beny M. Sukandar

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 92

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 25-36

Keywords: abrasion resistance; absorption; aggregate-cement ratio; compressive strength; concrete blocks; concrete pavements; density; durability; splitting tensile strength; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/1174

Date: 1/1/1995

Abrasion resistance of concrete pavement is a surface property that is mainly dependent on the quality of the surface layer characteristics. A common assumption is that a concrete surface is abrasion-resistant when acceptable compressive strength is obtained. This indirect approach is for the most part effective and reasonable, but not always correct. This paper presents abrasion characteristics of various concrete paving blocks using ASTM C 779, Procedure C, Ball Bearings. Effect of matrix proportions on abrasion resistance, and the relationship between depth of wear and bulk properties, are discussed. Influence of testing conditions and surface preparations on bulk and surface properties of concrete block pavers is thoroughly examined. It was found that the adopted testing procedure is simple and reliable. Abrasion resistance of concrete pavers was directly related to matrix proportions and their bulk properties. Testing under wet conditions was consistently worse than under air-dry conditions. The top surface of concrete pavers exhibited invariably superior abrasion resistance to the bottom and middle surfaces when tested in a dry condition. Both matrix proportion and testing condition had more impact on quality of the concrete surface than compressive or splitting tensile strength.


Electronic Materials Journal



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