International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: 232.2R-03: Use of Fly Ash in Concrete

Author(s): ACI Committee 232

Publication: Technical Documents



Appears on pages(s): 41

Keywords: abrasion resistance; admixture; alkali-aggregate reaction; concrete pavement; controlled low-strength material; drying shrinkage; durability; efflorescence; fineness; fly ash; hydraulic cement; mass concrete; mixture proportion; pozzolan


Date: 12/19/2003


Note: A newer version of this document exists. This document was replaced by 232.2R-18.

Fly ash is used in concrete and other cement-based systems primarily because of its pozzolanic and cementitious properties. These properties contribute to strength gain and may improve the performance of fresh and hardened concrete, mortar, and grout. The use of fly ash may result in more economical concrete construction. This report gives an overview of the origin and properties of fly ash, its effect on the properties of hydraulic cement concrete, and the proper selection and use of fly ash in the production of hydraulic cement concrete and concrete products. Information and recommendations concerning the selection and use of Class C and Class F fly ashes generally conforming to the requirements of ASTM C 618 are provided. Topics covered include a detailed description of the composition of fly ash, the physical and chemical effects of fly ash on properties of concrete, guidance on the handling and use of fly ash in concrete construction, use of fly ash in the production of concrete products and specialty concrete, and recommended procedures for quality control. Relevant documents of standards-making bodies referred to in this document are cited and listed.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.

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