International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Strength, Elasticity and Thermal Properties of Concrete Subjected to Elevated Temperatures

Author(s): T. Harada, J. Takeda, S. Yamane, F. Furumura

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 34


Appears on pages(s): 377-406

Keywords: aggregates; bond (concrete to reinforcement); cement pastes; compressive strength; concretes; conducitivity; curing; high temperature; lightweight aggregates; lightweight aggregate concretes; modulus of elasticity; mortars (material)

DOI: 10.14359/18077

Date: 1/1/1972

Reports on a study into the reduction of strength and elasticity of concrete during and after heating at elevated temperatures. The variations in thermal properties of concrete at high temperatures using aggregates of various qualities are also considered. It was found that the various thermal properties of concrete were influenced by the type of aggregate and further affected when with a rise in temperature it was found that the mechanical properties are impaired with temperature rise.



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