International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Detecting Delaminations in Concrete Slabs With and Without Overlays Using the Impact-Echo Method

Author(s): Mary Sansalone and Nicholas J. Carino

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 86

Issue: 2

Appears on pages(s): 175-184

Keywords: asphalts; concretes; concrete slabs; delaminating; stress waves; impact-echo method; nondestructive tests; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/2350

Date: 3/1/1989

Demonstrates the feasibility of detecting delaminations in reinforced concrete slabs using the impact-echo method, a nondestructive testing technique based on transient stress wave propagation. The results of two laboratory studies are discussed. One study involved detecting artificial delaminations embedded at unknown locations in a reinforced concrete slab. All the artificial delaminations in the slab were located. The second study was aimed at showing the feasibility of detecting delaminations in reinforced concrete slabs with asphalt concrete overlays. Two reinforced concrete slab specimens with corrosion-induced delaminations were tested. Prior to overlaying the slabs with asphalt concrete, the depths of delaminations as determined by impact-echo testing were verified by drilling at selected points. After the asphalt concrete overlays were applied, the slabs were retested. It was found that the impact-echo method could successfully locate the delaminations in the slabs through the asphalt concrete overlays.


Electronic Materials Journal



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