Properties of Concrete Using Crushed Clinker Brick as Coarse Aggregate

International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Properties of Concrete Using Crushed Clinker Brick as Coarse Aggregate

Author(s): Ali R. Khaloo

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 91

Issue: 4

Appears on pages(s): 401-407

Keywords: bricks; clinker; coarse aggregates; concretes; industrial waste treatment; physical properties; strength; tests; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/4058

Date: 7/1/1994

Clinker brick is a very hard burned brick whose shape is distorted or bloated due to nearly complete vitrification. Due to some inefficiency in some of the brick-producing kilns in Iran, and also due to some methods of brick production in general, about 1 percent of all bricks produced is classified as clinker brick. The objective of this study was to make use of this industrial waste as coarse aggregate in concrete. Three different types of crushed clinker brick representing 13 clicker brick-producing kilns were crushed and then tested for grading, specific gravity, bulk unit weight, water absorption, and resistance to abrasion, and the results are compared with those for ordinary crushed stone aggregates. An experimental program for this investigation also included tests on concrete cylinders under uniaxial compression and split tension, and on concrete beams under flexure. The variables are age of testing concrete strength, type of clinker bricks, and the ratio of volume of crushed clinker brick to the total volume of coarse aggregates in concrete.


Electronic Materials Journal



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