International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Simplified non-linear analtsis of concrete structures in service

Author(s): Fargueta Cerdá, F.; Miguel Sosa, P.F.; Fernández Prada, M.A.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 45

Issue: 190

Appears on pages(s): 51 - 58



Date: 1/1/1994

The usual practice for the calculation of deflections in reinforced concrete frames consists of a linear-elastic analysis of efforts and a calculation of deflections from these efforts, taking into account the cracking of the concrete. The method is not congruent and may leads to important differences in the computed deflections. When a non-linear analysis is made for computing the efforts to calculate the deflections, the instantaneous deflections are not affected by redistribution between top and bottom reinforcements. In this paper a simplified method for reinforced concrete frames computing in service is presented, including cracking effects.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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