International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Jobs with concrete and fibres

Author(s): Rossi Pérez, J.C.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 54

Issue: 229

Appears on pages(s): 187 - 206



Date: 1/5/2003

Since 1982, the fibres in general and the steel fibres in particular have been started to be promoted and used in Spain. The technological advances, as the research during the last years, have made it possible the use of different applications, and a lot of futures possibilities are still opened. This presentation is splitted in two parts, the first one are brief but important considerations about steel fibres to take into acccount, as aspect-ratio, fibre tensile strenght and shape to determine a minimum dosage. The second part, takes into account some of the most representative works of different applications done in the European Community, which it is in the worldwhile vanguard of this matter.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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