International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Influence of stirrups distribution and supports width in flat reinforced concrete beams to shear strength

Author(s): Serna Ros, P.; Fernández Prada, M.A.; Miguel Sosa, P.F.; Deeb, O.A.R.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 51

Issue: 216

Appears on pages(s): 63 - 74



Date: 1/3/2000

In this article we show the results achieved by an experimental test programme on flat beams of 750 mm deep and 3 m free light, designed to break by shear. The achieved resistant capabilities have been compared to those, which could be obtained applying the spanish instruction ERE, the code equations ACI-318-95 and Eurocode-2. From the above comparation you may deduce that there is a clear influence of stirrups distribution, the cross separation between each stirrup branch and the supports width in strength to shear, and we propose some modifications to add in the spanish instruction EHE calculation formula in order to take into account such an sects. Finally, it may be deduced some recommendations about stirrups distribution in order to optimise their effectiveness and in order to prevent premature ruptures.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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