International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: A traffic load model for the assessment and management of existing bridges. Part two: Application and examples

Author(s): Casas Rius, J.R.; Crespo Minguillon, C.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 49

Issue: 209

Appears on pages(s): 109 - 125



Date: 1/5/1998

In [1] is presented the methodology for the construction of a comprehensive traffic load model to account for the most frequent checking situations during the design and evaluation of bridges: Serviceability (SLS) and Ultimate (ULS) Limit States, short, medium and long span bridges, bridges of any structural type and material. In this paper are presented some practical applications of the model. This allows to realize the performance, versatility and wide field of application of the model. The formulation of the model permits a non deterministic evaluation of the bridges because a probabilistic description of the traffic effects is obtained. The calculation of the Reliability Index of the bridges subjected to different Limit States is an objective measure of the safety of bridges and may be used in their optimal management and decision-making process.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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