International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Cables of composites materials as applied to the construction of prestressed concrete bridges

Author(s): Iglesias Pérez, C.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 40

Issue: 171

Appears on pages(s): 153 - 160



Date: 1/3/1989

Composites reinforced by linear fibers are not a recent invention, as they are present in constructions dating back as for as 4000 B.C. What has newlt arrived, are synthetic fibers particularly mechanically resistant and assuring to the composite a sufficient durability which justifies its overcost as opposed to that of traditional materials. On the other hand, these fibers are used for manufacturing cables applied in construction (anchors for example) or for high-technoloty industrial applications (aeronautics, telecommunications, etc.). This article deals with these different types of fibers, their domain of application, their advantages and disadvantages and their future as we can imagine today as a result of their cost and the durability of the structures or components involved, as well as some examples of their application to the construction of prestressed concrete bridges made by Germans.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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