International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Are we able to correctly evaluate the safety of an existing bridge? Reliability analysis of a prestressed concrete bridge

Author(s): Sobrino Almunia, J.A.; Casas i Rius, J.A.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 43

Issue: 184

Appears on pages(s): 51 - 66



Date: 1/5/1992

A methodology for structural evaluations of existing bridges is presented based on the Reliability Theory, in order to obtain objetive and realistic criteria to assure the safety and serviceability of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges with apparent affected load carrying capacity. This methodology is compared with the proposed by the current Spanish Code for structural design. The available criteria usin semi-probabilistic methods, design Code, do not satisfy the Serviceability and Ultimate Limit States. However, the criteria based on the Reliability Theory and correctly updating of the resistance and load parameters involved allows to expect a correct behaviour of the bridge during its life time with an acceptable failure probability.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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