International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: The Use of Vanadium Production Waste to Produce Alumina Cement

Author(s): Kouznetsova T.V., Burlov I.Y., and Krivoborodov Y.R.

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 326


Appears on pages(s): 47.1-47.6

Keywords: calcium aluminates; cement; clinker; hydration; strength; solid solutions; waste

DOI: 10.14359/51711029

Date: 8/10/2018


The paper deals with the usage of slag waste from production of ferroalloys containing calcium and aluminum oxides, and also vanadium oxides as impurities. It is established that vanadium in small quantities at the synthesis of CA and CA2 forms with them solid solutions and increases their hydration activity. The optimum amount of vanadium oxide introduced into the composition of the initial raw mix is 3% wt. The carried out study showed that properties of alumina cement with a small quantity of V2O5 is useful. Hydration activity of alumina cement increases especially at early period of its hydration. Exceeding this value (more than 3%wt in row mix) leads the formation of CaO∙V2O5 along with calcium aluminates. But this compound is characterized by very low hydration activity. Therefore cement strength reduces.



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