International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Impact Response of SC Panels under Local Punching Failure: Experiments and FE Analyses

Author(s): Quanquan Guo, Chengwei Guo, Xuqiang Dou,Chuanchuan Hou

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 347


Appears on pages(s): 155-175

Keywords: steel-concrete composite panel (SC); local punching failure mode; dynamic response; finite element (FE) model; axial compression ratio

DOI: 10.14359/51732663

Date: 3/1/2021


In the past, the study of low-velocity impact response of steel-concrete composite panels (SC) mainly focused on the overall flexure failure mode. To study the impact dynamic response of SC panels under the local punching failure mode, a drop hammer impact test of ten SC panels was carried out in this paper. The influence of the impact energy, impact momentum, and axial compression ratio was investigated. With the increase of impact energy, five damage patterns appeared in turn under the local punching failure mode. And the whole response process could be divided into five stages. It was found that the change of impact momentum had little influence on SC panels, but axial compressive preload could improve the stiffness and the impact capacity of SC panels to a certain extent. A finite element (FE) model based on LS-DYNA was then established and it could simulate the test process reasonably well. A mechanical analysis of the dynamic response process was carried out with the numerical model, including a parametric study on the influence of the axial compression ratio.



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