International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: An Insight into Non-Ferrous Slags as Supplementary Cementitious Materials

Author(s): Malene T. Pedersen, Barbara Lothenbach, and Frank Winnefeld

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 349


Appears on pages(s): 321-331

Keywords: hydration, non-ferrous slag, reactivity, supplementary cementitious materials

DOI: 10.14359/51732755

Date: 4/22/2021

In this work, a non-ferrous metallurgical slag has been characterized and its reactivity has been assessed and compared to current SCMs. Additionally, the hydration of a blend of portland cement with 30 wt. % replacement by slag was investigated for hydration kinetics, hydrate phase assemblage and mechanical strength up to 91 days using isothermal calorimetry, XRD and compression tests. The reactivity tests revealed pozzolanic reactivity of the slag and a dissolution behavior comparable to fly ash. The hydrate phase assemblage of the PC-slag blend showed a difference in the AFm phases forming compared to the portland cement reference, which was suggested to be due to the incorporation of Fe. The compressive strength after 28 days of hydration was correlated with the cumulative heat after 7 days of hydration and then compared to current SCMs. Also these results show that the non-ferrous metallurgical slag compares to siliceous fly ash. Hence, this work shows that Fe-rich non-ferrous slags are suitable candidates as SCMs in portland cement.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.