International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: ASTM C33/C33M-18, "Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates."

Author(s): ASTM Subcommittee C09.20 on Aggregates

Publication: Commentary Reference



Appears on pages(s):


DOI: 10.1520/C0033_C0033M-18

Date: 4/1/2018

This specification defines the requirements for grading and quality of fine and coarse aggregate for use in concrete. Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a combination thereof. Fine aggregate shall be free of injurious amounts of organic impurities. Fine aggregate for use in concrete that will be subject to wetting, extended exposure to humid atmosphere, or contact with moist ground shall not contain any materials that are deleteriously reactive with the alkalis in the cement in amount sufficient to cause excessive expansion of mortar or concrete. Fine aggregate subjected to five cycles of the soundness test shall have a required weighted average loss. Coarse aggregate shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel, crushed stone, air-cooled blast furnace slag, or crushed hydraulic-cement concrete, or a combination thereof. The sampling and test methods shall be done with grading and fineness modulus test, organic impurities test, effect of organic impurities on strength test, soundness test, clay lumps and friable particles test, coal and lignite test, bulk density of slag test, abrasion of coarse aggregate test, reactive aggregate test, freezing and thawing test, and chert test method.

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