International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Simulation of Low-Calcium Fly Ash Blended Cement Hydration

Author(s): Xiao-Yong Wang, Han-Seung Lee, and Ki-Bong Park

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 106

Issue: 2

Appears on pages(s): 167-175

Keywords: cement hydration; fly ash; pozzolanic reaction; simulation.

DOI: 10.14359/56464

Date: 3/1/2009

Low-calcium fly ash (FL) has been widely used as a mineral admixture in normal and high-strength concrete. Hydration of cement blended with fly ash is much more complex than ordinary portland cement because of the pozzolanic activity in an aluminosilicate glass phase in fly ash. This paper presents a kinetic hydration model that is based on a multi-component concept and can simulate hydration of cement-FL blends. The proposed model starts with a mixture proportion of concrete and considers both portland cement hydration and pozzolanic activity. By applying the proposed model, this paper predicts the following properties of hydrating cement-FL blends as a function of hydration time: reaction ratio of fly ash, calcium hydroxide content, heat evolution, porosity, chemically bound water, and the development of the compressive strength of FL-concrete. The prediction results showed good agreement for the results of the experiment performed in this study.


Electronic Materials Journal



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