International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Fly Ash for Use in Concrete - A Critical Review

Author(s): E. E. Berry and V. M. Malhotra

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 77

Issue: 2

Appears on pages(s): 59-73

Keywords: alkali-aggregate reactions; blast furnace slags; bleeding (concrete); chemical attack; compressive strength; concrete durability; concretes; corrosion; fly ash; fresh concretes; hardened concretes;

DOI: 10.14359/6991

Date: 3/1/1980

Fly ash used as a pozzolan to replace some of the portland cement in concrete often achieves energy and cost savings and imparts specific engineering properties to the finished product. To use fly ash effectively and economically it is important to understand the differences between fly ash and portland cement concretes. The differences in the rate of strength development between the two types and the ways in which this may be influenced by methods of mix proportioning are of particular importance. When properly propor-tioned and placed, fly ash concrete generally shows improved workability, pumpability, cohesiveness, finish, ultimate strength, and durability. It has been found that fly ash is of particular value in high-strength concrete. Its use has often been shown to improve the performance of concretes exposed to sulfate attack or to deterioration caused by alkali-aggregate interactions.



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