International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Model Test Results of Vertical and Horizontal Loading of Infilled Frames

Author(s): Bryan Stafford Smith

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 65

Issue: 8

Appears on pages(s): 618-625

Keywords: concrete bloacks;failures;frames;lateral loads;loads (forces);masonry; models; research;stiffness;strength;structural steels;walls.

DOI: 10.14359/7499

Date: 8/1/1968

An investigation is described of the influence of vertical distributed loading on the horizontal stiffness and strength of masonry walls bounded by structural steel perimeter frames. It is found that for low vertical loads the horizontal stiffness and strength are greater than when there is no vertical loading. The modes of infill failure are as for horizontal loading only, i.e., a diagonal crack and corner compressive failure. As the vertical load is increased, an optimum value is found for the maximum horizontal stiffness and strength bevond which the horizontal behavior deteriorates to the stage where the vertical load alone is sufficient to precipitate failure. The optimum vertical load is about half the vertical failure load, and it is accompanied by a transition from the horizontal load failure modes to vertical load failure modes. Interaction curves are plotted to show the relation between the vertical loading and horizontal strength.



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