International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Construction of Post-Tensioned Roof Panels

Author(s): Jack L. Korb

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 64

Issue: 8

Appears on pages(s): 475-491

Keywords: abrasive blasting;air terminals;beams (structural);columns (structural); construction;contraction;curved beams;expansion;exposed concrete;formwork (construction);prestressed concrete;post-tensioning;placing;quality control; roofs;shoring;slabs

DOI: 10.14359/7578

Date: 8/1/1967

A two-paper report combined under one general title, the following two papers describe first the design presented by members of the design team, then construction presented by a member of the construction firm that built this imposing structure. A key feature of the $5,500,000 North Terminal Building of the Detroit Metropolitan Airport is the horizontally curved post-tensioned girders supporting the roof. The 150 x 300~ft roof consists of five independent 70 x 232~ft post-tensioned panels separated by 5 ft wide continuous skylight strips. Each panel is made up of a slab, upturned perimeter beams, two horizontally curved girders, and two cross-arm beams. A single pair of tapering 60 ft reinforced concrete columns support each roof panel. The columns vary in cross section from a four-pointed star at the base to a hexagon at the top. A combination of board finishing for the columns, roof slab and beams, and sandblasting for the wall panels gives the terminal building a pleasing architectural appearance. The choice of construction method, engineering assumptions, and structural design are described by the structural engineers, while the construction of the roof panels and columns, formwork and erection, post-tensioning procedures, and field control are discussed by the vice president of the general contractor’s firm.



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