On-Demand Course: Constructability Series: Post-Tensioned Concrete Design and Construction

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INSTRUCTIONS: View the recorded webinar. Complete 10-question quiz with a score of 80% or higher to receive a certificate for 0.1 CEU (equivalent to 1.0 PDH).

Continuing Education Credit: 0.10 CEU (1.0 PDH)

Approved AIA and ICC

Access Period: 30 days


This is a recorded webinar from December 15, 2022.

This session takes a closer look at constructability of post-tensioned (PT) concrete structural building systems from the perspective of both design and construction. The similarities and differences of one-way slab/beam and two-way slab systems will be discussed. The critical importance of coordinating design disciplines well in advance of PT installation in the field will be emphasized. Details of common challenges encountered in the field will be highlighted. Constructability improvements associated with high quality concrete placement plus the proper certification of PT plants and field personnel will also be featured.


Document Details

Author: Tim Christle

Publication Year: 2022


Categories: Design, Post Tensioning, Slabs

Formats: Online Learning

Table of Contents

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify constructable design differences between one-way slab/beam and two-way slab PT structural systems.

2. Explain the importance of early coordination between structural, architectural and MEP drawings during the design and submittals phases of a project.

3. Discuss the constructability value of observing PT installation in the field as compared to only looking at design software output and contract documents.

4. Describe how certification of PT plants and field personnel positively impacts constructability and learn about the importance of concrete quality and correct placement on PT construction efficiency.


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