ACI PRC-211.4-08: Guide for Selecting Proportions for High-Strength Concrete Using Portland Cmt & Other Cementitious Material

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This guide presents general methods for selecting mixture proportions forhigh-strength concrete and optimizing these mixture proportions on thebasis of trial batches. The methods are limited to high-strength concrete containing portland cement and fly ash, silica fume, or slag cement(formerly referenced as ground-granulated blast-furnace slag) andproduced using conventional materials and production techniques.Recommendations and tables are based on current practice and infor-mation provided by contractors, concrete suppliers, and engineers whohave been involved in projects dealing with high-strength concrete.

Keywords: aggregate; fly ash; high-range water-reducing admixture; high-strength concrete; mixture proportion; quality control.


Document Details

Author: ACI Committee 211

Publication Year: 2009

Pages: 25

ISBN: 9780870313141

Categories: Codes, Mixture Proportioning

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

Chapter 1—Introduction and scope



Chapter 2—Notation and definitions



Chapter 3—Performance requirements

3.1—Test age

3.2—Required average compressive strength for f ' cr

3.3—Other requirements

Chapter 4—Concrete materials


4.2—Portland cement

4.3—Fly ash

4.4—Silica fume

4.5—Slag cement

4.6—Combinations of other cementitious materials

4.7—Mixing water

4.8—Coarse aggregate

4.9—Fine aggregate

4.10—Chemical admixtures

Chapter 5—High-strength concrete mixture properties


5.2—Water-cementitious material ratio


Chapter 6—High-strength concrete mixture proportioning using fly ash

6.1—Fundamental relationship

6.2—Concrete mixture proportioning

6.3—Sample calculations

Chapter 7—High-strength concrete mixture proportioning using silica fume

7.1—Fundamental relationships

7.2—Concrete mixture proportioning

7.3—Sample calculations

Chapter 8—High-strength concrete mixture proportioning using slag cement

8.1—Fundamental relationships

8.2—Concrete mixture proportioning

8.3—Sample calculations

Chapter 9—References

9.1— Referenced standards and reports

9.2—Cited references


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