SP-101: Computer Use for Statistical Analysis of ConcreteTest Data

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Editors: P. Balaguru & V. Ramakrishnan


As a designer or engineer you need reliable test data when determining the strength of concrete. Computer Use for Statistical Analysis of Concrete Test Data will explore ways in which the computer can help you achieve statistically more accurate results from your testing procedures. In addition, this important new volume presents various tools to help you interpret test results, and reports on the measures of reliability which can be used in establishing specifications and design criteria for the strength of concrete. This state-of-the-art publication, offers insight into the use of computers, including micro and mini computers, in concrete quality control and quality evaluation. With topics such as: analysis of in-place test data with spreadsheet software, computer analysis and plotting of computer data, analysis of cover meter data, and development of prediction relations from compression test data using regression analysis, Computer Use for Statistical Analysis of Concrete Test Data will be an indispensable source of information.


Document Details

Publication Year: 1987

Pages: 146

ISBN: 9780870316005

Categories: Testing

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

- Analysis of In-Place Test Data with Spreadsheet

Software, by N. Carino and W. Stone

- Analysis of Maturity/ Pullout Testing Data, by R. Dilly,

V. Beizai, and W. Vogt

- Analysis of Cover Meter Data, by D. Dixon

- Computation of Required Average Strength, f'cr, for a

Specified Compressive Strength, f'c, by P. Balaguru and

A. Ezeldin

- Development of Prediction Relations from Compression

Test Data Using Regression Analysis, by C. Date and

R. Schnormeier

- Computer Aided Analysis and Prediction of Concrete Cylinder

Strengths (in Accordance with ACI 214-77), by F. Kelsi

- Computer Analysis and Plotting of Concrete Data, by

B. Suprenant and K. Barnes


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