Table of Contents
-Fiber Optic Sensor for Measurement of Strain in Concrete
Structures, by M.H. Maher, B. Chen, J.D. Prohaska, E.G. Nawy,
and E. Snitzer
-Moving Load Tests on Three Precast Pretensioned Concrete
Railway Bridges, by V. Sharma, W.L. Gamble, J. Choros, and
A.J. Reinschmidt
-Measurements for Structural Performance Evaluation, by
R.L. Nigbor
-Instrumentation of the Grand-Mère Bridge During Strengthening,
by B. Massicotte and A. Picard
-Scale Model for the Evaluation of a Continuous Prestressed
Flat-Slab Bridge System, by R.A. Cook and F.E. Fagundo
-Materials Design for Self-Diagnosis of Fracture in CFGFRP
Composite Reinforcement, by M. Sugita, H. Yanagida, and N. Muto
-Experimental and Numerical Fracture Modelling of a Gravity Dam,
by A. Carpinteri, S. Valente, G. Ferrara, and L. Imperato
-Some Aspects of Closed-Loop Controlled Testing of Reinforced
Concrete Beams at High Rates, by S.M. Kulkarni and S.P. Shah
-A Technique for Measuring the Interface Confining Stress in
Concrete Filled Steel Tubes: Hydraulic Analogy, by R.Y. Miao
and W.H. Yang
-Theoretical Evaluation of the Break Off Test for Concrete, by
M. Wecharatana and A.P. Ranasinghe
-A New Nondestructive Technique to Investigate Concrete Surface
Topography by A.M. Hammad and M.A. Issa
-Behavior of Ultrasonic Pulses in Fresh Concrete, by S. Popovics,
R. Silva-Rodrigez, J.S. Popovics, and V. Martucci
-Energy Characterization for Brittle Material Response Under
Uniaxial Compression Through Ultrasonic Scanning, by F.F. Tang
-Failure Monitoring of Concrete Specimen Using Frequency
Characteristics of Ultrasonic Waves, by S. Drabkin and D.S. Kim
-In-Place Evaluation of Concrete Strength Using the Impact-Echo
Method, by S. Pessiki and M.R. Johnson
-Accelerated Bond and Durability Testing of FRPs for Bridge
Applications, by R. Sen and M. Shahawy
-Experimental Technique for Large-Scale Impact Testing of
Reinforced Concrete, by A. Scanlon, A. Nanni, and S. Ragan