SP-253: Fifth ACI/CANMET/IBRACON Int'l Conference on High-Performance Concrete Structures & Materials CD

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Note: The individual papers are also available as .pdf downloads. Please click on the following link to view the papers available, or call 248.848.3800 to order.


Editors: E. P. Figueiredo, T. C. Holland, V. M. Malhotra, and P. Helene


This ACI Special Publication (ACI SP-253) CD contains 25 papers from the Fifth ACI/CANMET/IBRACON International Conference on High-Performance Concrete Structures and Materials that was held in Manaus, Amazon State (AM), Brazil, June 18-20, 2008. Topics include Durability, Self-Compactability, Curing, Retarders, and Abrasion Resistance.

The Fifth Conference is a result of the collaboration of ACI and CANMET along with São Paulo University, Federal University of Goiás, Amazon State University, and Brazilian Concrete Institute (IBRACON).


Document Details

Publication Year: 2008

Pages: 500

ISBN: 9780870316968

Categories: High Performance Concrete

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


Durability of Concrete Vaults for Radioactive Waste Disposal

by G.S. Duffó, E.A. Arva, S.B. Farina, C.M. Giordano, and C.J. Lafont


Effect of Coarse Aggregate Shape and Texture on Self-Compactability

by J.M. Tobes, L. Anahí, G. Giaccio, and R. Zerbino


Influence of Curing Conditions on Transport Properties of Blended

Cement Concrete

by V.L. Taus, Y.A. Villagrán, and A.A. Di Maio


Hardening Retarders for Massive Concrete

by H. Justnes, F. Wuyts, and D. Van Gemert


Influence of Expanded Clay Aggregates in Abrasion Resistance of Lightweight Concrete

by W.G. Moravia, C.S. Rodrigues, A.G. Gumieri, and W.L. Vasconcelos


Performance Evaluation of Interface of Reinforced Concrete and Repair Mortars by Microscopy

by T.J. da Silva, F.L. Gondim, and L.A. de Castro Motta


Hybrid Techniques for RC Column Strengthening

by A.L. Sudano and J.B. de Hanai


The Effectiveness of Measuring Flexural Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete using the ASTM C1399-02 Test Method

by G.P. Gava and L.R. Prudêncio Jr.


The Application of Rheological Concepts on the Evaluation of High-Performance Concrete Workability

by A.L. Castro, J.B.L. Liborio, F.A.O. Valenzuela, and V.C. Pandolfelli


Analysis of Design Criteria for Shear Strength of High-Performance Reinforced Concrete Beams

by J.M. Calixto and A.B. Ribeiro

vi SP-253—11

Confirmation of a Model to Predict Chloride Ion Penetration with Peak over Time

by A.T.C. Guimarães and P.R.L. Helene


Silica Fume for Cement Replacement and its Influence on Strength and Permeability of Steam-Cured High-Strength Concrete

by G. Camarini, P.S. Bardella, D.C. Barbosa, and V.M. Pereira


Physicomechanical Properties and Durability of Structural Colored Concrete

by M.J. Positieri and P. Helene


Evaluation of Thenoz Methodology to Measure Concrete Air Permeability

by G. Camarini, P.S. Bardella, and V.M. Pereira


Analysis of the Flexural Behavior of Precast Prestressed Beams with Semi-Rigid Connections

by B. Catoia, M.A. Ferreira, R.C. Carvalho, and T. Catoia


A Practical Mix Design Method for Self-Compacting Concrete

by B.F. Tutikian, D.C. Dal Molin, and R.A. Cremonini


The Influence of the Mixing Time in the Rheological Behavior of Cement Pastes

by F.S. Bertolucci, M.P. Barbosa, G. de Freitas Maciel, F.L. dos Santos, and F.M. Salles


Static and Fatigue Tests on Ductal® UHPFRC Footbridge Sections

by G.A. Parsekian, N.G. Shrive, T.G. Brown, J. Kroman, V. Perry, and A. Boucher


Natural Concrete Curing under Hot Sub-Humid Climate

by E. Moreno, R. Solís-Carcaño, and C. Serrano-Zebadua


Influence of Transversal Reinforcement on Plastic Rotation Capacity of High-Strength Beams

by L.F.A. Bernardo, L.A.P. Oliveira, and D.G. Pinto


Parameters for Self-Compacting Concrete Mortar Phase

by M. Nepomuceno and L. Oliveira


Influence of the Marble and Granite Benefication of Residue (MGBR) as Filler on the Properties of Concrete

by J.L.M.P. Lopes, E. Bacarji, E.P. Figueiredo, and J.H.S. Rêgo


Evaluation of the Strength of High-Strength Concrete Columns

by A.L. de Paula, L.C.D. Shehata, and I.A.E.M. Shehata


The Galvanic Effect of the Anodic/Cathodic Area Ratio on Reinforced Concrete with 304 Stainless Steel

by M. Córdova and P. Castro-Borges


A Review of the Application of Concrete to Offshore Structures

by J.F. Fernandes, T.N. Bittencourt, and P. Helene


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