SP-281: Behavior of Concrete Structures Subjected to Blast and Impact

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Note: The individual papers are also available as .pdf downloads. Please click on the following link to view the papers available, or call 248.848.3800 to order.


Editors: Ganesh Thiagarajan, Eric Williamson and Christopher Conley

Sponsored by: Committees 447 and 370


This SP contains 15 papers that were presented at sessions sponsored by ACI Committees 447 and 370 at the ACI Fall 2010 Convention in Pittsburgh, PA. In this publication, engineers report on how they are approaching the challenging task of predicting the response of structures subjected to blast and impact loading. Both experimental and analytical efforts are represented, often in tandem. The analytical approaches taken include single-degree-of-freedom modeling, highly nonlinear transient dynamic finite element simulations, and coupled Lagrangian-Eulerian simulations. Papers in the publication cover the design and evaluation of new and existing structures, as well as techniques for strengthening existing structures.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2011


Categories: Blast Resistance

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


Comparative Study of Concrete Constitutive Models for Predicting Blast Response

Authors: James W. Wesevich, David D. Bogosian, Barry L. Bingham, Johan Magnusson, and Alexander P. Christiansen


Effects of High-Strength Materials on Blast Response of Reinforced Concrete Panels

Authors: Stephen D. Robert, Carol F. Johnson, and Stanley Woodson


Capabilities of a Shock Tube to Simulate Blast Loading on Structures

Authors: A. Lloyd, E. Jacques, M. Saatcioglu, D. Palermo, I. Nistor, and T. Tikka


Vehicular Impact Loading and Barrier Design

Authors: Mohammad Iqbal


Structural Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Bunkers In High Speed Balancing Facilities

Authors: Pericles C. Stivaros and A.J.Philippacopoulos


Behavior and Modeling of Shear-Critical RC Beams Under Impact Loading

Authors: Seluck Saatci and F.J. Vecchio


Dynamic Compressive Toughness of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Authors: Lihe Zhang and Sidney Mindess


Summary of the New Reinforced Concrete Blast Design Provisions in UFC 3-340-02, “Structures to Resist the Effects of Accidental Explosions”

Authors: William H. Zehrt, Jr. and Patrick F. Acosta


Full Scale Blast Testing of Hybrid Barrier Systems

Authors: N.L. Carey and J.J. Myers


Use of Carbon Fiber Anchors to Improve Performance of CFRP Strengthened Concrete Structures Subjected to Blast and Impact Loads

Authors: Sarah Orton, Matthew Brune, Joseph Kirby, and Matthew Wheeler


Large-Deflection Response of Fully Grouted Reinforced Masonry Walls to Static and Dynamic Out-of-Plane Pressure

Authors: Robert S Browning, John M. Hoemann, and James S. Davidson


Finite Element Simulation of Foam Insulated Prestressed Concrete Sandwich Panels Subjected to Blast Load

Authors: Charles M. Newberry, John M. Hoemann, Bryan T. Bewick, and James S. Davidson


Challenges of FEA Modeling the Performance of Concrete Substructures under Blast Loading

Authors: Liling Cao, Christopher Pinto, Marguerite Pinto, and John Abruzzo


Explosive Breaching of Reinforced Concrete Walls: Experimental Efforts and Numerical Simulations

Authors: Stephen A. Akers, Denis D. Rickman, John Q. Ehrgott, Jr., and Timothy W. Shelton


Numerical Modeling of Concrete Slabs Reinforced with High Strength Low Alloy Vanadium Steel Bars Subjected to Blast Loads

Authors: Ganesh Thiagarajan, Anirudha V. Kadambi and Stephen Robert


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