SP-321: Recent Developments in Two-Way Slabs: Design, Analysis, Construction, and Evaluation

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Publisher: American Concrete Institute

Editors: Mustafa Mahamid and Myoungsu (James) Shin


During the last couple of decades, there have been new developments on the design and analysis of two-way slab systems, particularly associated with safety issues against earthquakes. In regard of the recent developments, Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 421 published a comprehensive state-of-the-art report, “Guide to Design of Reinforced Two-Way Slab Systems (ACI 421.3R-15)”, with indebted contributions from many dedicated members. To appreciate this achievement, Committee 421 organized two technical sessions titled, “Two-Way Slab Systems: Recent Developments and Showcases on Design, Analysis, Construction, and Evaluation Methods”, which were held at previous ACI Conventions on November 2015 in Denver, CO, and April 2016 in Milwaukee, WI. The presentation topics included new design and construction methods in two-way slab systems; innovative reinforcement methods for punching shear prevention; practical design and analysis experiences in recent projects of complex geometries; showcases on serviceability and maintenance issues encountered in RC or PT slabs; experimental tests and/or numerical modeling against extreme hazards, such as earthquake, fire, blast, and progressive collapse; and nondestructive evaluation techniques for in-place two-way slabs.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2017

Pages: 214

ISBN: 9781945487767

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


Plastic Model for Asymmetrically Loaded Reinforced Concrete Slabs

Authors: Eva O. L. Lantsoght, Cor van der Veen, and Ane de Boer


Probabilistic Analysis of Interior Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs

Authors: Georgios P. Balomenos, Aikaterini S. Genikomsou, Mahesh D. Pandey, and Maria A. Polak


Shear and Punching Strength of Reinforced Concrete Voided Slabs

Authors: Dario Coronelli, Francesco Foti, Luca Martinelli, and Elisa Barbarelli


Punching Shear Systems for Flat Slabs – Evaluation of Tests and Comparison with Codes

Authors: Dominik Kueres, Carsten Siburg, Alaa G. Sherif, and Josef Hegger


Boundary Condition Effects on Static Response of Ultra-High-Performance

Concrete (UHPC) Slabs

Authors: Bradley Foust and Theodor Krauthammer


Finite Element Analysis of RC Flat Slabs with Different Amount and Placement of Shear Bolts

Authors: Aikaterini S. Genikomsou and Maria A. Polak


Application of an Inclined Shear Reinforcing Assembly for Slab-Column Connections

Authors: Mario Glikman, Gabriel Polo, Oguzhan Bayrak, and Trevor D. Hrynyk


Modeling of Reinforced and Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Slabs under Impact Loads

Authors: Trevor D. Hrynyk and Frank J. Vecchio


Highly Effective Lattice Punching Shear Reinforcement

Authors: Johannes Furche, Carsten Siburg, and Ulrich Bauermeister


Inclined Stirrups and Inclined Stud Shear Reinforcement in Zones of High Shear

Author: Walter H. Dilger


Inclined Headed Stud Shear Reinforcement: Design and Detailing

Authors: Amin Ghali and Ramez B. Gayed


Design of Flat Plate Voided Concrete Slab Systems

Authors: David A. Fanella, Mustafa Mahamid, and Michael Mota


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