SP-343: Fibre Reinforced Concrete: From Design to Structural Applications

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Publication information: fib Bulletin 95 is published as a tec is published as a technical report and is a collection of contributions to a workshop report and is a collection of contributions to a workshop that was co-sponsored by the fib and the and the American Concrete Institute American Concrete Institute (ACI). The authors have authors presented their presented their individual views. Although these contributions have not been discussed in any of the y of the fib’s working bodies, the subject matter is highly topical and believed to be of general interest to members of the al interest to members of the fib.



The first international FRC workshop supported by RILEM and ACI was held in Bergamo (Italy) in 2004. At that time, a lack of specific building codes and standards was identified as the main inhibitor to the application of this technology in engineering practice. The workshop aim was placed on the identification of applications, guidelines, and research needs in order for this advanced technology to be transferred to professional practice.

The second international FRC workshop, held in Montreal (Canada) in 2014, was the first ACI-fib joint technical event. Many of the objectives identified in 2004 had been achieved by various groups of researchers who shared a common interest in extending the application of FRC materials into the realm of structural engineering and design. The aim of the workshop was to provide the State-of-the-Art on the recent progress that had been made in term of specifications and actual applications for buildings, underground structures, and bridge projects worldwide. The rapid development of codes, the introduction of new materials and the growing interest of the construction industry suggested presenting this forum at closer intervals. In this context, the third international FRC workshop was held in Desenzano (Italy), four years after Montreal. In this first ACI-fib-RILEM joint technical event, the maturity gained through the recent technological developments and large-scale applications were used to show the acceptability of the concrete design using various fibre compositions. The growing interests of civil infrastructure owners in ultra-high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) and synthetic fibres in structural applications bring new challenges in terms of concrete technology and design recommendations. In such a short period of time, we have witnessed the proliferation of the use of fibres as structural reinforcement in various applications such as industrial floors, elevated slabs, precast tunnel lining sections, foundations, as well as bridge decks. We are now moving towards addressing many durability-based design requirements by the use of fibres, as well as the general serviceability-based design. However, the possibility of having a residual tensile strength after cracking of the concrete matrix requires a new conceptual approach for a proper design of FRC structural elements. With such a perspective in mind, the aim of FRC2018 workshop was to provide the State-of-the-Art on the recent progress in terms of specifications development, actual applications, and to expose users and researchers to the challenges in the design and construction of a wide variety of structural applications. Considering that at the time of the first workshop, in 2004, no structural codes were available on FRC, we have to recognize the enormous work done by researchers all over the world, who have presented at many FRC events, and convinced code bodies to include FRC among the reliable alternatives for structural applications. This will allow engineers to increasingly utilize FRC with confidence for designing safe and durable structures. Many presentations also clearly showed that FRC is a promising material for efficient rehabilitation of existing infrastructure in a broad spectrum of repair applications. These cases range from sustained gravity loads to harsh environmental conditions and seismic applications, which are some of the broadest ranges of applications in Civil Engineering. The workshop was attended by researchers, designers, owner and government representatives as well as participants from the construction and fibre industries. The presence of people with different expertise provided a unique opportunity to share knowledge and promote collaborative efforts. These interactions are essential for the common goal of making better and sustainable constructions in the near future.

The workshop was attended by about 150 participants coming from 30 countries. Researchers from all the continents participated in the workshop, including 24 Ph.D. students, who brought their enthusiasm in FRC structural applications.

For this reason, the workshop Co-chairs sincerely thank all the enterprises that sponsored this event. They also extend their appreciation for the support provided by the industry over the last 30 years which allowed research centers to study FRC materials and their properties, and develop applications to making its use more routine and accepted throughout the world. Their important contribution has been essential for moving the knowledge base forward.

Finally, we appreciate the enormous support received from all three sponsoring organizations of ACI, fib and Rilem and look forward to paving the path for future collaborations in various areas of common interest so that the developmental work and implementation of new specifications and design procedures can be expedited internationally.

June 2018

Bruno Massicotte, Fausto Minelli, Barzin Mobasher, Giovanni Plizzari


Document Details

Author: fib and ACI

Pages: 555

ISBN: 9782883941427

Categories: Design, Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Formats: Protected PDF/Web View

Table of Contents


1. Round-Robin Test on Various Test-Methods for Flexural Behavior of Steel Fiber Reinforced Sprayed Concretes

Plückelmann, S. ;Breitenbücher, R.

2. A new multi-scale hybrid fiber reinforced cement-based composites

Li, L.; Cao, M.

3. A sectional approach for the bending creep of FRC based on uniaxial tension creep tests

Vrijdaghs, R.; Di Prisco, M.; Vandewalle, L.

4. Optimized quality control procedure with the Barcelona test and the inductive method for FRC

Galeote, E.; Blanco, A.; Cavalaro, S.H.P.; de la Fuente, A.

5. Influence of the beam size on the residual strength of high performance fibre reinforced concrete

Galeote, E.; Blanco, A.; Cavalaro, S.H.P.; de la Fuente, A.

6. Influence of test methodology on the applicability of test results of fibre reinforced concrete for design

Juhasz, K.P.; Schaul, P.; Winterberg, R.

7. Parameters affecting the properties of plain and fiber reinforced self-sonsolidating concrete.

Javadian, A.; Mahdavi, A.; Benamrane, O. ;Majeed, M.; Aoude, H.

8. Mechanical characterization of fiber reinforced floor screeds: Influence of glass fibers on shrinkage and cr acking mechanisms

Chelha, F.; Alam, S. Y.; Bendimerad, A.Z.; Loukili, A.

9. An application oriented state-of-art and research-need perspective on self-healing fibre-reinforced cementitious composites

Ferrara, L.; Asensio, E.C.; Lo Monte, F.; Snoeck, D.; De Belie, N.


10. Experimental study of shear transfer in polypropylene fibre-reinforced concrete using pre-cracked push-off specimens

Ortiz-Navas, F.; Scaroni, L.; Navarro-Gregori, J.; Serna-Ros, P.

11. Shear crack behaviour and shear deformation of polypropylene fibre-reinforced concrete slender beams

Ortiz-Navas, F.; Navarro-Gregori, J.; Serna Ros, P.; Leiva Herdocia, G.

12. Fibres as shear reinforcement in RC beams: an overview on assessment of material properties and design approaches

Barros, J.A.O.; Foster, S.J.

13. Experimental investigation of shear-critical prestressed steel fibre reinforced concrete beams

De Smedt, M.; De Wilder, K.; Anastasopoulos, D.; Reynders, E. ; De Roeck, G.; Vandewalle, L.


14. Segmental Lining Design using Macro Synthetic Fibre Reinforcement

Winterberg, R.; Rodrìguez, L.M.; Cámara, R.J.; Abad, D.S

15. Effect of reinforcement configuration on the ductility requirements of real-scale slabs

Galeote, E.; Blanco, A.; de la Fuente, A.

16. Experimental Behaviour of Precast Tunnel Segments in Steel Fiber Reinforcement with GFRP Rebars

Meda, A.; Rinaldi, Z.; Spagnuolo, S.; De Rivaz, B.; Giamundo, N.

17. Opportunities for synthetic fibre reinforcement in concrete tramlines

Juhasz, K.P.; Schaul, P.

18. Closed-form Solutions for Interaction Diagrams of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Tunnel Segments

Yao, Y.; Bakhshi, M.; Nasri, V.; Mobasher, B.

19. An experimental study on the use of polypropylene macrofibers in precast segments for hydraulic and metro tunnel lining

Conforti, A.; Trabucchi, I.; Tiberti, G.; Plizzari, G.A.; Caratelli, A; Meda, A.; Moro, S.; Hunger, M.

20. Design of precast prestressed SFRC T-girders for accelerated sustainable bridge construction

Massicotte, B.; Cordoni, N.

21. FRC Hybrid slabs: reliability of Model Code approaches

Pourzarabi, A.; Colombo, M.; Martinelli, P.; di Prisco, M.

22. Optimization of partially prefabricated HyFRC slabs

Zani, G.; Colombo, M.; Failla, C.; di Prisco, M.

23. Structural behavior of precast tunnel segments with macro-synthetic fibers during TBM operations: a numerical study

Trabucchi, I.; Conforti, A.; Tiberti, G.; Plizzari, G.A.; Winterberg, R.


24. Seismic Performance of Fibre Reinforced Concrete in the Absence of Bars

Bernard, E. S.

25. RC Beams with Steel Fibers - Towards Better Determination of their Minimum Conventional Reinforcement Ratio

Dancygier, A.N.; Karinski, Y.S..

26. Residual crack width in RC and R/FRC ties subjected to repeated loads

Fantilli, A.P.; Tondolo, F.

27. An experimental investigation on the post-cracking behaviour of Recycled Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Frazão, C.; Barros, J.; Bogas, A.; Pilakoutas, K.; de Sousa, C.M.

28. Finite Element Analyses of Seismic Response of a 22-story RC Wall Building subjected to Drying Shrinkage Cracking and

Application of SCRPCC

Kitazawa, K.; Sato, Y.; Naganuma, K.; Kaneko, Y.

29. Closed loop control in crushing test for fibre reinforced concrete pipes

Monte, R.; de la Fuente Antequera, A.; Dominigues de Figueiredo, A.

30. Effect of synthetic fibers on the quasi-static and blast behaviour of reinforced concrete beams

Aoude, H.; Li, Y.; Bastami, R.; Ibrahim, F.M.

31. Strain-based fatigue failure criterion for steel-fiber reinforced concrete

Poveda, E.; Ruiz, G.; Cifuentes, H.; Yu, R.C.; Zhang, X.X.

32. Performance of Ductile FRCC under Cyclic Loads and Non-Linear FE Simulation

Antroula, G.; Stavroula, P.

33. Cyclic Damage on PVA Microfibre Embedded in Cementitious Matrix in Alternating Tension-Compression Regime

Ranjbarian, M.; Mechtcherine, V.


34. Reduction of Flexural Crack Widths Using Synthetic Fibres in Reinforced Concrete

Bernard, E. S.

35. Influence of chloride-initiated corrosion on the surface aspect of steel fibre reinforced cementitious composites

Vieira, M.M.; Cavalaro, S.H.P.; Aguado, A.

36. Serviceability Limit State Design of SFRC Members

Amin, A.; Gilbert, R.I.

37. The effect of fibres on corrosion of reinforced concrete

Berrocal, C.G.; Lundgren, K.; Löfgren, I.

38. Influence of the Post-Cracking Residual Strength Variability on the Partial Safety Factor

de la Fuente, A.; Cavalaro, S.H.; Bairán, J.M.

39. Comparability of bond tests for repair and retrofit of concrete structures with Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Zanotti, C.; Randl, N.; Gar, P.S.; Far, B.K.; Steiner, M.

40. Characterization and Prediction of Microcracking in Reinforced UHPFRC Beams under Bending

Turgeon-Mallette, V.; Sorelli, L.; Conciatori, D.; Réthore, J.

41. Investigation of fiber effect on the geometrical property of crack and water permeability of cracked concrete

Ding, Y.;Li, D.; Zeng, W.

42. Evaluation of Effective Moment of Inertia for Calculation of Short-Term Deflections of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Flexural Members

Fargier-Gabaldon, L.B.; Al-Tameemi, M.; Parra-Montesinos, G.J.


43. Structural Applications and Rehabilitation Experimental Investigation of Hybrid Concrete Elements with Varying Fiber Reinforcement under Concentrated Load

Plückelmann, S.; Breitenbücher, R.

44. The behaviour of concrete columns confined by UHP-FRCC jacketing

Fantilli, A.P.; Nishiwaki, T.; Lisi, V.; Longo, M.

45. A holistic calculation and design tool for structural SFRC members

Look, K.; Mark, P. Longo, M.

46. FRCcalc - Software for design of fiber reinforced concrete elements according to MC2010 recommendations

Valente, T.; Barros, J.; Lourenço, L.

47. Retrofitting a full-scale two-story hollow clay block masonry building by Steel Fiber Reinforced Mortar coating

Lucchini, S.S.; Facconi, L.; Minelli, F.; Plizzari, G.A.


48. Structural behavior of prestressed Ultra-High Performance Fibre- Reinforced Concrete beams with and without openings: comparison between experimental results and finite element modelling techniques.

Redaelli, D.; Nseir, J.Y.

49. Use of a Probabilistic Explicit Cracking Model for Analysing the mechanical behaviour of an Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) Beam Subjected to Shear Loading

Rossi, P.; Davian-Desnoyers, D.; Tailhan, J.L.

50. UHPFRC Precast slabs and field-cast joints of the Isabey-Darnley pedestrian bridge

Charron, J.P.; Desmettre, C.; Cantin Bellemare, E.

51. Practical considerations on the application of the recent SIA 2052 guidelines on testing of Ultra-high-performance

fiber-reinforced concrete

Loser, R.; Justs, J.; Lura, P.

52. Effect of Fibers on the Flexural Behaviour of Beams Built with High-Strength Concrete and High-Strength reinforcement

Bastami, R.; Li, Y.; Algassem, O.; Aoude, H.

53. Fiber effect on shear behavior of UHPC beams

Randl, N.; Mészöly, T.


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