SP-358: Advances in Repair/Retrofit/Strengthening, Design and Analysis of Structures

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With the aging and deterioration of infrastructure, the need for repair, strengthening, and rehabilitation of existing structures continues to increase. Climate change makes extending the service life of our infrastructure critical since any demolition and new construction will trigger substantial amounts of carbon emissions. Research related to repairing and strengthening existing infrastructure is seeing major developments as new green materials and technologies become available. Improved assessment and retrofit of deficient structures, and performance-based design of new structures are also in high demand. Despite the progress, there are many challenges yet to be addressed. The main objective of this Special Publication is to present results from recent research studies (experimental/numerical/analytical) on the retrofit and repair of structural elements along with the assessment, analysis, and design of structures. Several of these papers were presented at the ACI Fall Convention “Seismic Repair/Retrofit/Strengthening of Bridges at the Element or System Level: Parts 1 and 2.”

The presented studies cover various aspects of structural retrofitting and strengthening techniques including the use of rubberized engineered cementitious composite for enhancing the properties of lightweight concrete elements, high-performance concrete jacketing to strengthen reinforced concrete piers/columns, and the behavior of fiber-reinforced-polymer-wrapped concrete cylinders under different environmental conditions. Additionally, the research explores the behavior of concrete-filled FRP tubes under axial compression, innovative bridge retrofit technologies, and retrofit techniques for deficient reinforced concrete columns. There is also a focus on evaluating the seismic response of retrofitted structures, designing guidelines for seismic retrofitting using tension-hardening fiber-reinforced concrete, strengthening unreinforced masonry walls with ferrocement overlays, and developing seismically resilient concrete piers reinforced with titanium alloy bars. The seismic response of a retrofitted curved bridge was also presented where elastomeric bearings of the as-built bridge were replaced by high damping rubber bearings as a part of the seismic retrofit. Recommendations for nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete columns under seismic loading are also presented to simulate their behavior up to collapse.

Overall, the presented studies in this Special Publication demonstrate the potential of new materials, methods, and technologies to improve the performance of various structural elements under different loading conditions, including seismic and environmental loads. These studies are expected to help our practitioners and researchers not only develop more effective and sustainable methods for repairing and strengthening of structures but also improve their analysis and design skills.


Document Details

Author: ACI Committees 341 and 441

Publication Year: 2023

Pages: 258

ISBN: 9781641952293

Categories: Codes

Formats: Protected PDF/Web View

Table of Contents

Use of Rubberized ECC in repair/strengthening lightweight concrete elements 1-20

Authors: Basem H. AbdelAleem and Assem A. A. Hassan


Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Piers with High Performance Concretes 21-40

Authors: Khandaker M. A. Hossain, Ali E. Yeganeh, and Philip Loh


Behavior Of Frp Wrapped Cylinders Under Various Environmental Conditions 41-61

Authors: Muhammad Faizan Qureshi, Shamim A. Sheikh, Zahra Kharal


Behavior of High Strength Concrete - Filled Hybrid Recyclable Large - Small Rupture Strains FRP Tubes under Cyclic Compression 62-86

Authors: Monika Nain, Mohanad M. Abdulazeez, and Mohamed A. ElGawady


Transverse Prestressing of Bridge Columns for Seismic Retrofit and Repair 87-105

Authors: Murat Saatcioglu


Active Confinement of RC Columns with External Post-tensioned Clamps 106-125

Authors: Julián D. Rincón, Kinsey C. Skillen, Santiago Pujol, Yu-Mei Chen, Aishwarya Y. Puranam, and Shyh-Jiann Hwang


Seismic Performance Assessment of Retrofitted Curved RC Bridge: A Case Study 126-157

Authors: Mohammad Raihan Mukhlis, Sohel Rana, and M. Abdur R. Bhuiyan


Design of Bridge Pier Seismic Retrofit Using THFRC 158-178

Authors: Ismail Mohammed, Konstantinos Tsiotsias and S. J. Pantazopoulou


Review of Tests on Ferrocement Retrofitted Unreinforced Masonry 179-205

Authors: Raquib Ahsan, Shegufta Zahan, and Jannatun Nahar


A Seismic Resilient Concrete Pier System Incorporating Titanium Alloy Bars and Comparison with Conventional Reinforced Concrete 206-229

Authors: Mahesh Acharya, Jose Duran, and Mustafa Mashal


Recommendations for Nonlinear Finite Element Analyses of Reinforced Concrete Columns Under Seismic Loading up to Collapse 230-250

Authors: Seyed Sasan Khedmatgozar Dolati, Adolfo Matamoros, and Wassim Ghannoum


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