SP-363: Developments, Applications, and Case Studies in UHPC for Bridges and Structures

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Editors: Yail J. Kim, Steven Nolan, and Antonio Nanni


Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is a state-of-the-art cementitious composite. Since the concept of this novel concrete mixture emerged in the 1990s, significant advancements have been made with numerous benefits such as high strength, flowability, high post-cracking tensile resistance, improved durability, reduced maintenance, and extended longevity. Currently, UHPC is employed around the globe alongside recently published practice guidelines. Although numerous research projects were undertaken to examine the behavior of UHPC-incorporated structures, there still are many gaps to be explored. Of interest are the development of robust and reliable mixtures and their application to primary load-bearing members for bridges and buildings, including various site demonstration projects that would promote the use of this leading-edge construction material. This Special Publication (SP) contains nine papers selected from three technical sessions held in the ACI Spring Convention in March 2022. All manuscripts were reviewed by at least two experts in accordance with the ACI publication policy. The Editors wish to thank all contributing authors and anonymous reviewers for their rigorous efforts. The Editors also gratefully acknowledge Ms. Barbara Coleman at ACI for her knowledgeable guidance.

Yail J. Kim, Steven Nolan, and Antonio Nanni


University of Colorado Denver

Florida Department of Transportation

University of Miami


Document Details

Author: ACI Committee 345

Publication Year: 2024

Pages: 169

ISBN: 9781641952569

Categories: Uhpc

Formats: Protected PDF/Web View

Table of Contents

SP-363-1: UHPC Fresh Chloride Limit Testing 1-20

Authors: Raid S. Alrashidi, Rami Zamzami, Megan S. Voss, Daniel J. Alabi, Christopher C. Ferraro, H. R. Hamilton, Joel B. Harley, and Kyle A. Riding

SP-363-2: Electromagnetic Sensor for the Nondestructive Testing of Ultra-High Performance Concrete 21-37

Authors: Daniel J. Alabi, Megan S. Voss, Raid S. Alrashidi, Christopher C. Ferraro, Kyle Riding, and Joel B. Harley

SP-363-3: Development of Modified Double-Punch Test for Quality-Control Testing of UHPC Tensile Performance 38-59

Authors: Megan S. Voss, Daniel Alabi, Raid S. Alrashidi, Taylor A. Rawlinson, Christopher C. Ferraro, H. R. Hamilton, Joel B. Harley, and Kyle A. Riding

SP-363-4: Performance of Corrosion Mitigation Strategies in Bridge Deck Reinforcement Applied Prior to UHPC Overlay Installation 60-80

Authors: Naveen Saladi, Chandni Balachandran, Robert Spragg, Zachary Haber, and Benjamin Graybeal

SP-363-5: Use of UHPC H-Piles for an Abutment at the Lily River Detour Bridge in Ontario 81-93

Authors: Philip Loh, Sri Sritharan, Kam Ng, Emad Booya, and Don Gardonio

SP-363-6: Shear Strength and Model of Non-prestressed Rectangular UHPC Beams: Influence of Coarse Aggregate 94-117

Authors: Kuo-Wei Wen, Manuel Bermudez, and Chung-Chan Hung

SP-363-7: Blast Performance of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete with Foamed Concrete and Polyurea Coatings 118-136

Authors: Kusum Saini and Vasant A. Matsagar

SP-363-8: Artificial Neural Networks for Prediction of Bond Strength between UHPC and FRP Reinforcing Bars 137-148

Authors: Ali Alatify and Yail J. Kim

SP-363-9: Simulated Chloride Penetration into a Solid Slab Bridge Overlayed with Ordinary Concrete and UHPC 149-161

Authors: Jun Wang and Yail J. Kim


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