SP-364: Serviceability and Performance Evaluation of Concrete Bridges and Structures: Analysis, Design, and Construction

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Serviceability is considered a critical factor in the management of concrete bridges and structures. Typical components for evaluating the serviceability limit state include cracking, deflection, and vibration. Additionally, to ensure the adequate performance of load-bearing members, proper evaluation methodologies should be adopted. Although numerous research projects have been undertaken to examine the serviceability and performance assessment of concrete bridges and structures, significant endeavors are still required to address unexplored challenges. Of interest are the development of simplified prediction and appraisal approaches; novel techniques for quantifying stress levels; serviceability criteria under unusual distress; and the characterization of structural responses when exposed to blast, wind, and seismic loadings. This Special Publication contains 11 papers selected from technical sessions held in the ACI Fall Convention in November 2024. The Editors wish to thank all contributing authors and anonymous reviewers for their rigorous efforts. The Editors also gratefully acknowledge Ms. Barbara Coleman at ACI for her knowledgeable guidance.

Yail J. Kim, University of Colorado Denver, Editor

Hyeon-Jong Hwang, Konkuk University, Editor


Document Details

Author: ACI Committee 345

Publication Year: 2024

Pages: 184

ISBN: 9781641952804

Categories: Codes

Formats: Protected PDF/Web View

Table of Contents


Simplified Method for Serviceability Design of Cracked Prestressed Concrete Members

Belonging to Class C Section 1-19

Authors: Deuckhang Lee, Hyo-Eun Joo, Sun-Jin Han, Jae Hyun Kim, and Kang Su Kim


Vibration Performance of Inter-Module Composite Floors for Modular Buildings 20-39

Authors: Youjin Chae, Min-Jun Jeon, Chang-Kil Ju, Seung-Il Kim, and Tae-Sung Eom


Development of Structural Integrity Assessment Technologies for a Concrete Containment Structure under Ultimate Pressure Condition 40-51

Authors: Minkyu Kim, Tae-Hyun Kwon, Gyeonghee An, and Habeun Choi


Stress Measurement of Reinforcing Bars Embedded in Concrete by Hole-Drilling Method 52-61

Authors: Mohammad T. Nikoukalam, Shahabeddin Torabian, and Said Bolourchi


Serviceability of Concrete Structures for Explosives Operating Locations and Live-Fire

Training Facilities 62-79

Authors: Michael Pickett, Daniel Richey, Chris Moore, Joshua Umphrey, and Gordon Borne


Serviceability of Concrete Structures for Explosives Storage 80-99

Authors: Josh Umphrey, Chris Moore, Daniel Richey, Gordon Borne, and Michael Pickett


Influence of Earthquake Duration on Response of Steel Jacket Retrofitted Reinforced

Concrete Bridge Columns 100-120

Author: Christopher J. Motter


Serviceability Wind Design of Reinforced Concrete Tall Buildings 121-137

Authors: Thomas Kang and Hamidreza Alinejad


Blast Load Prediction for Deflagration of Low Explosives in Confined Concrete Structures 138-146

Author: Ming Liu


Prediction and Measurement of Slab Construction Load of Wall-Type Residential Building 147-165

Authors: Hyeon-Jong Hwang, Jong-Min Lee, Han-Se Moon, and Hong-Gun Park


Tension Stiffening in RC Beams Retrofitted with NSM CFRP Strips 166-176

Authors: Wajdi Ammar and Yail J. Kim


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