ACI PRC-352S-02 Recommendations for Design of Beam-Column Connections in Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Structures(Spanish)
352RS-02 Recomendaciones para el diseño de conexiones viga-columna en estructuras monolíticas de concreto reforzado, versión en español

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Recommendations are given for member proportions, confinement of the column core in the joint region, control of joint shear stress, ratio of column-to-beam flexural strength at the connection, development of reinforcing bars, and details of columns and beams framing into the joint. Normal type is used for recommendations. Commentary is provided in italics to amplify the recommendations an identify available reference material. The recommendations are based on laboratory testing and field studies and provide a state-of-the-art summary of current information. Areas needing research are identified. Design examples are presented to illustrate the use of the design recommendations.

Keywords: anchorage; beam; beam-column; bond; columns; confined concrete; high-strength concrete; joints; reinforced concrete; reinforcement; reinforcing steel; shear strength; shear stress.


Document Details

Author: ACI Committee 352

Publication Year: 2010

Pages: 37

ISBN: 9780870313677

Categories: Joints - Structural

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

Chapter1-Introduction, scope, and definitions




Chapter 2-Classification of beam-column connections

2.1-Loading conditions

2.2-Connection geometry

Chapter 3-Design consideration

3.1-Design forces and resistance

3.2-Critical sections

3.3-Member flexural strength


Chapter 4-Nominal strength and detailing requirements

4.1-Column longitudinal reinforcement

4.2-Joint transverse reinforcement

4.3-Joint shear for Type 1 and Type 2 connections


4.5-Development of reinforcement

4.6-Beam transverse reinforcement

Chapter 5-Notation

Chapter 6-References

6.1-Referenced standards and reports

6.2-Cited references

Appendix A-Areas needing research

A.1-Effect of eccentric beams on joints

A.2-Lightweight aggregate concrete in joints

A.3-Limit on joint shear

A.4-Behavior of indeterminate systems

A.5-Distribution of plastic hinges

A.6-Innovative joint designs

A.7-Special joint configurations and loadings

A.8-Joints in existing structures

Appendix B-Design examples


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